Razenkova J.A.
17 articles
17 articles
Articles co-authors
Ayvazyan E.B.
Kudrina T.P.
Odinokova G.Y.
Orlova E.V.
Kudrina T.P.
Odinokova G.Y.
Orlova E.V.
Logopedic examination of the Child of the First year of life
Razenkova J.A.
Article introduces a common approach to the assessment of early speech development of the child. The presented approach is based on a complex investigation of the development of the child of the first year of life. Evaluation of pre-speech and preverbal abilities of the child is carried out in accordance with characteristics of his/her mental and motor development, as well as characteristics of the interaction between close adults and the child.
The Ways of Special Correctional Work with the Children of the First Year of Life at Orphanage. Methodological Recommendations. Part 1.
Razenkova J.A.
Methodological recommendations disclose general developing and special approaches to work with 0 - 1 year old risk-group children at child's home; contain generalization of results of psychological-and-pedagogical examination of development specificities of orphan children of the first year of life in the process of results-oriented correctional assistance. The first and second special correctional work stages are presented in the article.
Regional-municipal early support model
Razenkova J.A.
The article presents the basic regional-municipal early support model, which was designed on the basis of analysis of early support practice development in the educational environment of the Samara Region and Mariy El Rerpublic and implemented in the Omsk Region and in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). The vertical and horizontal structures of the model are described.
Scheme of Logopedic Examination of the Child of the First Year of Life
Razenkova J.A.
The paper presents a structured scheme of logopedic examination of the child of the first year of life, including information on early speech and psychomotor development of the child, assessment of the structure and functioning of the articulation organs, prerequisites for formation of active speech and speech understanding, emotional and personal interaction between close adults and the child.
The Ways of Special Correctional Work with the Children of the First Year of Life at Orphanage. Methodological Recommendations. Part 2.
Razenkova J.A.
The third and fourth stages of the correctional work with 1/2 - 1 year old children are presented in the methodological recommendations. Complication of special correctional work content is shown.
An investigation of communication between an adult and an early age child with special needs: methodical tools
Razenkova J.A., Orlova E.V., Odinokova G.Y., Kudrina T.P., Ayvazyan E.B.
The article presents methods of study of a child’s communication with adults. There are included experimentally approved procedures of collection and data processing of video materials with interactions, qualification grid of analysis of communicative behaviour of adults and early age children including infantile age, the parameters system of assessment of spatio-temporal, process and content characteristics of communication.
Interdepartmental interactions in the early support system
Razenkova J.A.
The article presents substantiation of the system of interdepartmental interaction and social partnership between the early assistance services and organizations of different departments in order to support appropriately the family of a child with disabilities. There is given the description of structure-functional model of interaction between the organization providing the early support services and institutions of the educational system, health services, social security, non-state (non-municipal) organizations.
Options of the Speech Therapist Opinion Letter (1st Year of Life)
Razenkova J.A.
The article contains possible options of the speech therapist opinion letter concerning pre-speech and preverbal development of the child of the first year of life. It presents possible wordings of the speech therapist opinion letter reflecting different variants of the prerequisites for speech development of the child of the first year of life, including various kinds of delayed speech development.
Logopedic Examination
Razenkova J.A.
The article describes general approaches to carrying out logopedic examination of 2 - 3 years old children. The suggested method is based on systematic speech development scheme developed by N.S. Zhukova based on A.N.Gvozdeva's works and K.L. Pechora's and G.V.Paniuhina's materials on diagnostics of neuro-psychical development of 2 - 3 years old children.
Content of Individual Programs for Development of Infants with Special Needs at the Orphanage
Razenkova J.A.
The article describes general approaches to content planning of individual programs for development of 0 - 1 year old risk-group children. The purpose and tasks, which are solved by means of the individual program, are presented; possible versions of the individual programs and general algorithm of their planning are presented.