
Issue articles:

    Understanding autism spectrum disorders from the perspective of russian defectology: the logic of dysontogenesis and fundamentals of correctional assistance

    Nikolskaya O.S.



    Understanding autism spectrum disorders from the perspective of russian defectology: the logic of dysontogenesis and fundamentals of correctional assistance

    Autism spectrum disorders
    Childhood autism
    Difficulties of differential diagnosis
    Plurality of developmental issues
    Logic of autistic dysontogenesis
    Specific character of correctional assistance
    The possibility of convergence with typical trajectory of development
    About article

    Understanding autism spectrum disorders from the perspective of russian defectology: the logic of dysontogenesis and fundamentals of correctional assistance

    This paper analyses the reasons and nature of the current crisis in understanding the clinical and psychological character of autism spectrum disorders that are often considered an array of syndromes that differ in their biological conditions, the expression of a disorder, and the help required. The paper discusses the fragmentation of the data accumulated in psychological studies, which hinders the creation of the whole picture of autism dysontogenesis. The author shows that the consideration of the traditions of Russian defectology can help separate autism spectrum disorders from other developmental issues, understand the specific logic of dysontogenesis, and identify the specific character of the correctional assistance required for autism. The paper presents the understanding of autism disorders as signs of mental development systematic distortion caused by extremely low stamina of a child, leading to deep maladjustment in interacting with the environment and people that pathologically changes the relations between intelligence and affect. The author substantiates the need for psychological assistance aimed at correcting the semantic basis of a child's relationship with the environment, outside of which the efforts to correct the cognitive skills have no practical significance. The recovery of child’s emotional unity with a close adult is singled out as the main condition for normalization of relationship with the environment and convergence of a child's cognitive development with typical trajectory.

    Early diagnosis of autistic disorders for children of the first years of life within the framework of medical, psychological and pedagogical support: analysis of two cases from practice

    Berkun A.V. , Ivanov M.V. , Simashkova N.V.



    Early diagnosis of autistic disorders for children of the first years of life within the framework of medical, psychological and pedagogical support: analysis of two cases from practice

    distorted development
    early age
    diagnosis of ASD
    examination methods
    early comprehensive assistance
    interdisciplinary interaction.
    About article

    Early diagnosis of autistic disorders for children of the first years of life within the framework of medical, psychological and pedagogical support: analysis of two cases from practice

    The article presents an analysis of two clinical cases of young children with autism spectrum disorder. The markers of their mental development trouble in the early stages are described. The possibilities of using modern diagnostic tools for the purpose of early detection of distorted development signs are revealed. The data of diagnostic tests are presented and analyzed. The results of providing early comprehensive assistance to the family of a child with ASD are presented, confirming the importance of timely interdisciplinary work of specialists.

    About psychological assistance to parents of a child with early autism

    Baenskaya E.R.



    About psychological assistance to parents of a child with early autism

    autism spectrum disorders
    early age
    psychological support of parents
    shared experience
    emotional interaction
    About article

    About psychological assistance to parents of a child with early autism

    A vision about the peculiar difficulties of raising a child with early autism and related family problems; about the need and possibilities of early psychological support for parents in the development of their interaction with the baby is given. From the standpoint of the emotional-semantic approach, the tasks, conditions and content of psychological assistance to the relatives of a child with the threat of autistic disorders and already formed autism syndrome are formulated. The main directions of parents' support and their recommendations on the home life organization, the specific techniques mastering in order to overcome the trends of distorted development and the formation of active, meaningful relationships of the child with the immediate environment are considered.

    Defining the type of autistic disorder in preschoolers with the diagnostics of psycho-emotional development

    Kalmykova N.Yu. , Libling M.M.



    Defining the type of autistic disorder in preschoolers with the diagnostics of psycho-emotional development

    autism spectrum disorders
    developmental diagnostics
    affective sphere
    preschool age
    typological variant of autism
    About article

    Defining the type of autistic disorder in preschoolers with the diagnostics of psycho-emotional development

    The article presents a method of diagnostics of psycho-emotional development of preschool children with autism spectrum disorders, developed on the basis of the concept of affective development disorders in childhood autism. Unlike the existing diagnostic tools, the diagnostics under consideration makes it possible not only to assess the main directions of the child development but also to correlate the results with a specific type of autism which allows to get a holistic understanding of patterns of child behavior and prospects of development.

    Play classes in a small inclusive group as a means of helping young children with signs of autism spectrum disorder

    Suetina O.P.



    Play classes in a small inclusive group as a means of helping young children with signs of autism spectrum disorder

    early care
    autism spectrum disorders
    early age
    inclusive groups
    play classes
    emotional-comprehensive approach
    About article

    Play classes in a small inclusive group as a means of helping young children with signs of autism spectrum disorder

    The article presents a study conducted on the basis of a non-governmental children's center with inclusive groups that include young children with signs of autism spectrum disorders (ASD). The article describes a game technique developed in line with the emotional-semantic approach to the correction of autism, and aimed at developing the ability to emotional contact, imitation, game initiative, independence in young children with the signs of ASD. Changes in the condition of the children during group classes are discussed.

    Experience in forming significant emotional relationships in a group of older preschoolers with asd during the psychological remidial classes

    Arshatskaya O.S. , Antonova I.D. , Podolny A.A.



    Experience in forming significant emotional relationships in a group of older preschoolers with asd during the psychological remidial classes

    emotional-semantic approach
    children of older preschool age with high-functioning autism
    group classes aimed at the formation of emotionally significant relationships.
    About article

    Experience in forming significant emotional relationships in a group of older preschoolers with asd during the psychological remidial classes

    The article reveals the specifics of the organization of psycho-correctional classes with a group of older preschoolers with ASD, aimed at the formation of emotionally significant relationships with peers. The criteria for selecting group members, the structure and content of the classes are presented. The tasks of the group leader and tutors, techniques and methods used in the process of group work are discussed. On specific examples, the dynamics of the group process and the features of the formation of positive emotional relations between the participants are analyzed.

    Peculiarities of distant learning process management For students with ASD

    Shargorodskaya L.V.



    Peculiarities of distant learning process management For students with ASD

    Students with autistic spectrum disorders (ASD)
    distant learning
    management of education of students with ASD
    education methods for students with ASD
    About article

    Peculiarities of distant learning process management For students with ASD

    Recently, we saw a major growth of a number children with ASD that have an experience of distant learning. To make distant learning for a student with ASD more effective we need to not only address the problems of distant learning process common to all students, but to take into account the requirements that are specific to peculiar educational needs of this group of students. This article provides examples of various limitations for distant learning specific for students with ASD, and recommendations distant learning management for students with ASD that may assist with effective achievement of educational goals.

    Assisting adolescents and adults with mental disabilities in acquiring more mature psychological attitudes

    Kostin I.A.



    Assisting adolescents and adults with mental disabilities in acquiring more mature psychological attitudes

    internal mature attitudes
    ages of an individual
    young people with mental disabilities
    About article

    Assisting adolescents and adults with mental disabilities in acquiring more mature psychological attitudes

    The article provides an insight into difficulties of the psychological maturation of adolescents and young people with mental disabilities. The paper describes trends in psychological care assisting to acquire internal mature attitudes related to development of the ideas about ages and a life cycle of an individual, understanding of the opportunities to make choices and feasible decisions, adopting caring attitudes to people around, etc.

    Prevention of aggression and destructive behavior of youth: analysis of world experience

    Rean A.A. , Konovalov I.A. , Novikova M.ю , Molchanova D.V.



    Prevention of aggression and destructive behavior of youth: analysis of world experience

    About article

    Prevention of aggression and destructive behavior of youth: analysis of world experience

    The paper reveals the main technologies of bullying and cyberbullying prevention in the world practice. The history of the formation of school bullying prevention programs is shown and the main components included in these programs are analyzed. Such aspects of the programs as work with peers, disciplinary methods and restorative approaches are considered. The role of the family and the role of teachers are considered separately.
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