Reading and writing
Almanac #57 · #issue 2 · 2024
Teaching meaningful writing: ideas of the Russian scientific school
Teaching meaningful writing: ideas of the Russian scientific school
L.S. VygotskyD.B. Elkonin
special pedagogy
written speech
children with hearing impairments
children with speech impairments
children with learning disabilities
specific features of written speech
learning conditions
digital tools
Disorders of reading and reader's development in children: the main variants
Disorders of reading and reader's development in children: the main variants
children with disabilitiespsychology of reading
pedagogy of reading
reader's competence
preschool period of reader's development
cultural traditions of introducing children to reading
disorders in the development of the basic structure of reader's competence
The role and place of written culture in the context of understanding the goals of special education for blind children
The role and place of written culture in the context of understanding the goals of special education for blind children
Children with visual impairmentsreading and writing
literacy training
"roundabout way" for training
tactile font
Two variants of reader's development in conditions of deaf-blindness
Two variants of reader's development in conditions of deaf-blindness
Deaf-blindnessdeaf-blind children
deaf-blind students
Braille books
Zagorsk children's home for the deaf-blind
education of the deaf-blind at a university
reading interests
reader’s development
understanding of fiction
understanding of scientific literature
Didactogenic disorders in mastering the reading technique preschoolers and primary school children
Didactogenic disorders in mastering the reading technique preschoolers and primary school children
Russian letteristicsliteracy teaching methods
positional principle of reading
phonemic analysis
didactogenic dyslexia
didactogenic dysgraphy.
Modern methods of launching contextual speech in children with disabilities
Modern methods of launching contextual speech in children with disabilities
Children with special needsspecial and inclusive education
primary school children
contextual speech initiation
situational speech
comprehension reading
reading comprehension disorders
speech development special methods
comprehension reading development special methods.
Solving basic reader’s tasks by primary school children with mental retardation
Solving basic reader’s tasks by primary school children with mental retardation
primary school children with mental retardationreading
reader’s development
reader’s competence
reader’s tasks
solving reader’s tasks.
Peculiarities of Literary Texts Perception By Children with Mental Retardation during Dialogic Reading
Peculiarities of Literary Texts Perception By Children with Mental Retardation during Dialogic Reading
children with mental retardationreading development
meaningful reading
dialogic reading
perception of literary texts
Defectology and defectologists in the encyclopedic Dictionary on reading
Defectology and defectologists in the encyclopedic Dictionary on reading
readingdictionary on reading
reading of persons with special educational needs
reading disorders
teaching reading to children with disabilities
a special (defectological) approach to reading study