
Reading and writing

Almanac #57 · #issue 2 · 2024

Almanac #57. Reading and writing
In this issue, the emphasis is on research in the field of teaching children meaningful reading and writing. The mechanisms of typical disorders of reading development are shown, effective "workarounds" and special methods of interrelated correction of speech and reading development are presented.

Teaching meaningful writing: ideas of the Russian scientific school

Kukushkina O.I.
The article presents the fundamental differences between written and oral speech, as understood by L.S. Vygotsky and his followers, the learning conditions, necessary for children to master meaningful writing, the specifics of mastering written speech by children with hearing and speech impairments, developmental delays, their special need for digital tools for creating and editing text in the first years of school education

Teaching meaningful writing: ideas of the Russian scientific school

L.S. Vygotsky
D.B. Elkonin
special pedagogy
written speech
children with hearing impairments
children with speech impairments
children with learning disabilities
specific features of written speech
learning conditions
digital tools

Disorders of reading and reader's development in children: the main variants

Goncharova E.L.
The article presents the basic structure of reader's competence, describes the stages and conditions of its successful development, identifies and considers three variants of disorders in the development of the basic structure of reader's competence, allowing for a differentiated approach in teaching and correction.

Disorders of reading and reader's development in children: the main variants

children with disabilities
psychology of reading
pedagogy of reading
reader's competence
preschool period of reader's development
cultural traditions of introducing children to reading
disorders in the development of the basic structure of reader's competence

The role and place of written culture in the context of understanding the goals of special education for blind children

Malofeev N.
The article shows, that the ideas of society and specialists about the goals of special education for the blind have a direct impact on the understanding of the role and place of written culture in the education system. Only in the context of compulsory special education for the blind does the acquisition of reading and writing become an integral part of the school curriculum, and the "roundabout way" for teaching literacy invented by L.Braille - tactile font and the method of book printing - are in demand.

The role and place of written culture in the context of understanding the goals of special education for blind children

Children with visual impairments
reading and writing
literacy training
"roundabout way" for training
tactile font

Two variants of reader's development in conditions of deaf-blindness

Suvorov A.
The article by the deaf-blind author, professor, doctor of psychological sciences A.V. Suvorov, contains a unique description of his reader's biography from childhood impressions of his mother reading aloud to the transition to reading scientific literature according to the program of the psychology department of Moscow State University, where he studied together with three other deaf-blind students. The article also presents the author's experience in teaching reading and supporting the reader's development of deaf-blind children who have difficulties in the development of verbal speech.

Two variants of reader's development in conditions of deaf-blindness

deaf-blind children
deaf-blind students
Braille books
Zagorsk children's home for the deaf-blind
education of the deaf-blind at a university
reading interests
reader’s development
understanding of fiction
understanding of scientific literature

Didactogenic disorders in mastering the reading technique preschoolers and primary school children

Bezrukova O.
The article discusses the shortcomings of modern technologies for teaching children to read and write, conducts a linguistic and methodological analysis of specific methods and techniques for teaching initial reading and writing skills, reveals the mechanisms and causal relationship of the occurrence of didactogenic dyslexia/dysgraphy with methodological errors in literacy training.

Didactogenic disorders in mastering the reading technique preschoolers and primary school children

Russian letteristics
literacy teaching methods

positional principle of reading
phonemic analysis
didactogenic dyslexia
didactogenic dysgraphy.

Modern methods of launching contextual speech in children with disabilities

Goncharova E.L. , Kukushkina O.I.
The article examines methods of coordinated correctional work in the field of speech and reading development of children with disabilities who have mastered literacy but have not yet moved on to mastering contextual speech. Scientifically substantiated and experimentally tested methods are presented in detail: "Three circles of pre-reading", a special technique "Reading a book by a familiar author", the game "Author. Hero Reader", "Me and the Other".

Modern methods of launching contextual speech in children with disabilities

Children with special needs
special and inclusive education
primary school children
contextual speech initiation
situational speech
comprehension reading
reading comprehension disorders
speech development special methods
comprehension reading development special methods.

Solving basic reader’s tasks by primary school children with mental retardation

Troshina E.
The article presents the results of a comparative study of the ability to solve three types of reader’s tasks in groups of primary school children with mental retardation and children with normotypic development. It was determined in what plan according to P.Ya. Galperin (mental, speech, materialized) children are capable of independently solving each task, and which plan is the zone of proximal development of this ability. The data presented indicate both the fundamental possibility and great difficulties in the development of the ability to solve three types of reader’s tasks by primary school children with mental retardation.

Solving basic reader’s tasks by primary school children with mental retardation

primary school children with mental retardation
reader’s development
reader’s competence
reader’s tasks
solving reader’s tasks.

Peculiarities of Literary Texts Perception By Children with Mental Retardation during Dialogic Reading

Syrovatkina-Sidorina K.
The article deals with the advantages of the dialogic reading method in teaching reading, compares the main indicators of perception and understanding of the content of a literary text by children with mental retardation and normotypic development during dialogic and monologue reading. The results of the study on the peculiarities of listening perception are presented, the advantages of using dialogic reading technology in teaching children with mental retardation are described.

Peculiarities of Literary Texts Perception By Children with Mental Retardation during Dialogic Reading

children with mental retardation
reading development
meaningful reading
dialogic reading
perception of literary texts

Defectology and defectologists in the encyclopedic Dictionary on reading

Shulekina J.
The article presents an overview of the articles of the encyclopedic dictionary on reading (Publishing House «Nauka» of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2021), revealing a special defectological approach to describing the reading phenomenon. The defectologists’ contribution at the same time is not limited to the development of highly professional problems of reading disorders and reader’s development, it is significant in the analysis of general theoretical and general methodological aspects on reading.

Defectology and defectologists in the encyclopedic Dictionary on reading

dictionary on reading
reading of persons with special educational needs
reading disorders
teaching reading to children with disabilities
a special (defectological) approach to reading study
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