State assessment and monitoring systems of quality of early childhood education
Almanac #38 · Issue #38 · 2019

Assessment and monitoring system of quality of early childhood education in the Republic of Singapore
The article presents: prominent features of the system of early childhood education in the Republic of Singapore, regulatory acts that govern the organizations practice in the field of early childhood education, key directions of quality monitoring in the system of early childhood education, basic mechanisms, procedures and tools, as well as the use of the assessment results.
Assessment and monitoring system of quality of early childhood education in the Republic of Singapore
early childhood educationquality assessment
assessment tools
early age
preschool age
Republic of Singapore
Assessment and monitoring system of quality of early childhood education in the Republic of Finland
The article reveals the prominent features of organization and assessment of quality of early childhood education in the Republic of Finland, which is one of the top-performing countries in the world. The main national regulatory acts that govern the functioning of the system of early childhood education, the directions of state quality assessment of its work, the procedures and tools of state monitoring, the key directions for the usage of monitoring results are presented.
Assessment and monitoring system of quality of early childhood education in the Republic of Finland
early childhood educationFinland
regulatory acts
quality of education
quality assessment
monitoring tools
education quality assessment
Assessment and monitoring system of quality of early childhood education in Canada
The article reveals the specifics of organization and assessment of quality of early childhood education in Canada, a country in the North American region. The age range and the prominent features of the organization of early childhood education in Canada, as well as the regulatory acts are present. The article elaborates on how the quality of early childhood education is assessed and the results of monitoring are applied.
Assessment and monitoring system of quality of early childhood education in Canada
early childhood educationCanada
organization of early childhood education
regulatory acts
quality of education
quality assessment
monitoring tools
application of monitoring results
Assessment and monitoring system of quality of early childhood education in Australia
The article reveals the specifics of organization and assessment of quality of early childhood education in Australia. The age range and the prominent features of the organization of early childhood education in Australia, as well as the regulatory acts are present. The article elaborates on how the quality of early childhood education is assessed and the monitoring results are applied.
Assessment and monitoring system of quality of early childhood education in Australia
early childhood educationAustralia
organization of preschool education
regulatory acts
quality of education
quality assessment
monitoring tools
application of monitoring results
Assessment and monitoring system of quality of early childhood education in the Federal Republic of Germany
The article reveals the prominent features of organization and assessment of quality of early childhood education in Federal Republic of Germany — a country with high rates in the development of children's education. The age range and the prominent features of the organization of early childhood education, as well as the regulatory acts, the directions of state quality assessment of the said system, the procedures and monitoring tools, areas of application of the obtained results are presented.
Assessment and monitoring system of quality of early childhood education in the Federal Republic of Germany
early childhood educationFederal Republic of Germany
education in Germany
organization of preschool education
regulatory acts
quality of education
quality assessment
monitoring tools
application of monitoring results
Assessment and monitoring system of quality of early childhood education in the Russian Federation
The article presents the characteristics of the system of early childhood education and its quality assessment in our country from 1974 to 2019, shows the dynamics and essence of changes in the system organization, in its legislative regulatory acts, in the assessment of education quality, procedures and monitoring tools, and vectors for comprehension of monitoring results.
Assessment and monitoring system of quality of early childhood education in the Russian Federation
Russian Federationearly childhood education
regulatory acts
education quality assessment
quality monitoring
monitoring tools
dynamics of changes
historical context
Comparative analysis of monitoring systems of quality of early childhood in Russia and in advanced economies
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The article presents the results of a comparative analysis of the early childhood education systems in Russia and other countries in the world according to the following parameters: age range, organization features, regulatory acts, key directions of state assessment / quality monitoring of early childhood education, mechanisms, procedures and tools, the scope of monitoring results.
Comparative analysis of monitoring systems of quality of early childhood in Russia and in advanced economies
early childhood educationeducation quality assessment
characteristics of monitoring
advanced economies
comparative analysis