Editorial Council and Editorial Board
Nikolay Malofeef, the director of the FSSI “Institute of Special Education” the Russian Academy of Education, Dr. of Pedagogical Science, Academician of the RAE , professor (Moscow, the Russian Federation)
Editorial Board Members
Kukushkina Olga - chief research worker of the FSSI “Institute of Special Education” the RAE, Dr. of Pedagogical Science, corresponding member of the RAE (Moscow, the Russian Federation)
Goncharova Elena – vice-president of Russian Reading Association on the questions of science and education, psychology and reading pedagogy of children with disabilities, Dr. of Pedagogical Science, professor (Moscow, the Russian Federation)
Baenskaya Elena - senior research worker of the FSSI “Institute of Special Education” the RAE, Dr. of Psychological Science, professor (Moscow, the Russian Federation)
Kobrina Larisa – pro-rector for research, Leningrad State University named after S.A.Pushkin, Dr. of Pedagogical Science , professor (Saint Petersburg, the Russian Federation)
Nabokova Lina – the head of the Department of Foreign Languages in Primary School, the Moscow State Pedagogical University, Ph.D in Pedagogy. (Moscow, the Russian Federation)
Editorial Council
Slepovich Elena - Dr. of Psychological Science, professor of Psychology Department of Byelorussian State University (Minsk, Byelorussia)
Nikolskaya Olga - the head of the laboratory of the content and teaching methods of children with emotional disorders, Dr. of Psychological Science, professor (Moscow, the Russian Federation)
Vyakhyakuopus Elena - Master of Psychology, neuropsychologist, independent expert on disability of technical support projects of the European Union (Helsinki, Finland)
Azaryan Robert - Dr. of Pedagogical Science, professor, the head of the Special Pedagogy and Psychology Department, Armenian State Pedagogical University after Khachatur Abovyan (Yerevan, Armenia)
Muminova Lola - Dr. of Pedagogical Science, professor of the Special Pedagogy Department of Tashkent Pedagogical University after Nizami (Moscow, the Russian Federation)
Nobuo Hirose -Ph.D in Pedagogy, deputy dean of the Faculty of Pedagogy, Yamanashi State University (Kofu, Japan)
Baranauskene Ingrida - Doctor of Social Sciences, professor of the Social Pedagogy and Psychology Department, the dean of the Faculty of Study of Social Wellbeing and Ailment, Šiauliai University (Šiauliai, Lithuania)
Khaidrpashich Maria – Ph.D. in Pedagogy, the head of the laboratory of computer technologies of teaching children, the Federal State Scientific Institution “Institute of Special Education” the RAE (Moscow, the Russian Federation)
Almanac of the Institute of Special Education
Almanac of the Institute of Special Education is an online open access publication devoted to special pedagogy and special psychology: scientific - methodological journal. The journal provides methodological and information support for specialists, parents and public organizations. Has been published online since 2000. The current issue is available on the homepage of the publication. You can watch any of the published issues of the electronic edition in the Archives section. For the detailed information concerning the new Almanac ISE issues, your papers publications and for commercial use of the copyrighted materials as well, please contact us almanah@ikprao.ru
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